This weeks Tutor Focus is shining on Fiona Potter.

She’s our wonderful Mixed Media Artist and her project for the Craft Retreat is bespoke & beautiful. I’ve known Fiona for a few years now and whilst I’ve been privileged to be taught by her several times, and she’s a wonderful teacher, I wanted to find out a bit more about her. So, I invited her for a bit of a natter and asked her to tell me more about herself. Here’s a few of the secrets she spilled when I merely asked about her age and family... “Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone but I’m a 63-year-old nan to Sophie (12 years old) & Kasper (who was born in July 2021). I’m known as Nanny Fi (McFee) and for being both crazy and weird - of which I am very proud!No one puts FiFi in the corner, though I've been known to hide myself away in my ‘Shtudio’ (aka the shed). I'm a maker: I paint, I sew, I bead, I work wire and metal and well basically I do whatever craft I need to so that I can birth whatever image is in my mind!” We got chatting a bit more and I asked Fiona what her ‘Perfect Day’ would be… “A perfect day for me? Hmmm well there are several perfect days to be honest. I can have more than one perfect day right? Yes, yes I can! *chuckles*

Okay, so day 1 would be spending the entire day with my Husband. He’s certainly a keeper...43 years and counting! I’m not going to say anything more about that day. (Oh, okay Fi let’s move on *laughs cheekily*)
Perfect day number 2 is a day spent with my granddaughter Sophie. We’ll be crafting or cooking, or both. And we’ll be chatting and laughing and making amazing memories.
Day number 3 would be a day by myself in my ‘Shtudio’ creating the wonderful things that my mind needs to release. These days have been few and far between since 2018 whilst I cared for my late parents in their final year on this planet. What a privilege that was! On day 4 I would love to spend the day teaching or collaborating with like-minded souls. I love being around inspired and inspiring people. It keeps my creative juices flowing.

Day 5 would consist of walks with my camera. My camera grounds me and the natural world inspires me to create. The peace I find with my camera is pure quality and forms some of my best artful ideas
Day 6 I’m going to relax with a late lay in bed, some ‘woowoo’ music playing and my head in a good book. Recharging the batteries in complete bliss.Okay, Day 7. We’re at a Perfect Week now aren’t we? *laughs* Gosh this list could go on forever as I’m a cup half full kinda girl but I’ll leave it there, for now *giggles again*" Fiona is an absolute pleasure to be around. Keep an eye out for more of our natter where Fi tells us about her treasured memories, her favourite word (!) and her ‘self-confessed’ cute, little quirk!
There are a few places available on Fiona's course, click the pink button below to book yours now!
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#craftretreat #curiouscreatives #tmawisw #tutorfocus #WD22 #mixedmedia #fionapotter #woowoo #perfectday